Sunday, July 15, 2012

Baby names...

My name is Duncan Ris (pronounced like kiss).

From a young age I discovered that certain names combine with my last name to create great hilarity and possible embarrassment if such person came into existence.

I had the opportunity to "help" a friend at the SFU radio station. I introduced myself on the radio as "Danger" because my full name would become Danger Ris. Awesome.

I also realized that it would be problematic to marry a girl named Tara. Her name would become:
Tara Ris.

Since Amy and I have been married nearly 5 years, we have discussed baby names on a variety of occasions. She was very disappointed to cross the name Mattias off of our list as it would become:

Matt Ris.

Amy: I know that it's a "thing" for some parents to name their children in the place they were conceived but I just thought that would be a little too far...

Other great names we have thought of are the following:

Greg Gary
Polly Amour
Walter (shortened to Wal)
Jennifer (shortened to Jenn) 
Louis Richard (shortened to Lou Dick)
Kant (after Immanuel Kant)* Anka (after Paul Anka)
(*this has the added bonus of refuting my family's great thrill in telling my sister and I, as children, that "'can't' was dead" and therefore we could and had to do whatever it was they were requiring of us.)

Any additions to the list for possible review?


  1. Replies
    1. Its getting a lot of support from all over the place...

  2. My votes go to Greg Gary and Walter

  3. if we are now voting :) let the blog vote is also for Greg Gary. And if she be a little lass Jennifer is a beautiful name.

    1. you love your mom too much.

    2. Her name is Jenny not Jennifer. Sorry Greg

    3. Trick question, you can never love your mother enough...
